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Rob Nosse is currently the State Representative for House District 42 which consists of inner Southeast and a little sliver of Northeast Portland. He has been the State Representative for this area of Portland since 2014. He currently serves as the Chair of the House Behavioral Health and Health Care Committee.

He was also one of two Majority Whips, a role that is responsible for working with other members of the Democratic Caucus to track bills and priorities to ensure that there is support for passage of bills when final votes are brought to the House Floor. He is also the leader of a newly created arts and culture caucus that has focused on getting more support for arts and culture opportunities across the state. 

Rob Nosse has worked his entire life to MAKE social change for students and working families.

For over thrity years, Rob stood up for working people as a union representative and helped raise the bar for middle class families.

If you have any questions, ideas or concerns please send us an e-mail to info@robnosse.com. We are always happy to hear from you.

He also volunteers at his Church St Philip Neri, a Roman Catholic Church, and he still serves on the board of the Oregon Student Foundation, an organization that he helped to start.